The unpleasant silver linings of corona virus.
Find out what’s holding you back in life and move past it! – Typical wrong guru.
What’s actually holding you back isn’t the same as what you think is holding you back – Truth Cake.
A lot of people think that if they didn’t have to deal with their job, their kids, their nagging spouse, or whatever that they could start working on their goals.
“If only I had more time, then I could get things done!” is the thought process many have.
Well, say hello to corona virus, being stuck at home, and having a bunch of extra time.
Are you getting into all those things you hoped to get started on when you “had more time?” If the answer is no, then you may see that when people have an excuse on why something isn’t getting done, it’s rarely because of the reason they give.
The silver lining is, you’re the one holding yourself back and everything’s a lame excuse (not enough time, job, kids, etc).
The bad news is that eliminating the problem (eg ‘not having to spend 10 hours at a typical job’) is not actually effective or that easy.
The good news is that the problem is really just ourselves and that can definitely be fixed.
It’s hard to eliminate the problem when you don’t know what the problem is.
What problems are you blaming other things for when in reality it might just yourself that is to blame?