Find your passion in 2 easy steps
“Think about what you’re passionate about and do that!” – Bad guru. “You need to soul search to find your passion!” – Even worse guru. Bad gurus don’t understand that normal people aren’t passionate about anything, so they don’t know what to pursue, and then it makes them feel like they just need to soul […]
How to see the worst in everything to make your life better.
“Think positively!” – Bad guru. “If you can’t see the negative in everything, you’re screwed.” – Truth Cake. People make decisions by listing pros and cons. But beyond the surface, every ‘pro’ is a ‘con’ in some way. And every ‘con,’ is a ‘pro’ in an other way. Many times people want to see the […]
Discipline is for losers.
“You need to increase your discipline!” – Bad guru. “Discipline is for losers. Not needing discipline is for winners.” – Truth Cake Getting yourself into situations and environments where discipline isn’t required is the only long term solution. If your job, spouse, etc is wearing you down all day and you realize you don’t have […]
“It’ll all be fine” is dangerous advice.
“Everything will work out in the end! Trust the universe!” – Bad Guru. Everything may NOT work out in the end. – Truth Cake. There’s 2 pieces of reality when it comes to this advice. It’s better to feel good because you’re in a situation that warrants feeling good, vs feeling good because you think […]
Certainty is for fools.
Certainty is often craved and when it’s found, it’s just an illusion. If you’re certain aliens don’t exist, or certain that 9/11 was an inside job, or certain about anything regarding covid, or certain about anything for that matter, you’re simply not thinking. Certainty is an illusion. – Truth cake. The good news to that […]
The monstrous problem with seminars
“Come listen to my seminar!” – Random bad guru. I hear people speaking at seminars always struggling with the idea of trying to figure out what would be valuable they could talk about that can fit into a 30-60 minute presentation. They realize that’s not enough time to even scratch the surface with attaining the […]
Why trying to figure out your goals is a waste of time.
“Sit down and really think about what you want, make a plan and then achieve your goals!” – Random bad guru. The reason you see how many super rich people miserable is because they thought that was what they wanted but it turns out it wasn’t as good as they thought it’d be. The reality […]
Highly effective trick to get free advice from anyone.
Most people’s advice to others is almost always to do exactly what they’ve done. If you know what they’ve done in the past, then you ALREADY know what their advice is. Ask Alex Hermozi for some good advice? Learn to sell. Ask Codie Sanchez? Buy boring businesses.Ask Brandon Turner? Get into real estate. Ask Mr […]
The trap of catering to your willpower.
It’s easier to just do the thing rather than try to find the strategy that makes it “easier” to do. Mastering your willpower sounds hard, but what’s harder is to cater every strategy or plan you have in life to conform to your lack of willpower. Controlling yourself is hard, but what’s oddly harder is […]
Is it time to learn or execute?
A lot of people want to learn about something as much as possible before actually getting started. The easiest way to determine whether you still need to research and learn more or just get started is at the point that when you’re continuing to research something and everything coming up is stuff you already know. […]
Don’t let your talents trap you.
“Find something your good at and make a business out of that!” – Random bad guru. If you’re good at digging ditches, that doesn’t mean you should be a ditch digger. A lot of people that don’t want to have kids have people say things like, “You should have kids – you’d be a great […]
All or nothing mindset isn’t always a good idea.
“Burn the bridges and go all in!” – Random bad guru. Sometimes people will be hesitant to burn all their other options, or to try a new workout routine that requires them to eat perfectly and workout 2 hours a day. They think that if they can’t have the perfect diet, then there’s no point […]
Hopelessness is the key to opportunity selection.
“Don’t give up hope!” – Random bad guru. A lot of people hope for better opportunities – ones that have faster results, are easier, are safer, are more fun. A lot of good opportunities take time to get through – whether it be schooling of some sort, working as an apprentice for peanuts, and so […]
Why planning out your goals can be a huge waste of time.
“I can provide the step by step process to making you rich!” – Random bad guru The problem with step by step guidance is by the time you’re making through the process, things have changed so dramatically that the steps aren’t relevant any more. Unless you’re making a cake and need a step by step […]
Your desire for speed is destroying you.
“Winners take action and move fast!” – Random Bad Guru Partially true advice, as always. However, our desire to optimize for speed compromises nearly everything that’s actually important. People think things like:“I want delicious food, but I want it fast.” – Now you get McDonalds, b/c it’s fast but now not so delicious.“I want to […]
The hidden key beyond just causation vs correlation
See what others that are more successful than you are doing, and do that! – Random Guru There’s pieces of truth to this statement, but the problem behind simply modeling is not being able to see the entire process. Imagine that everyone that is a professional actor has had 10 movies before they have their […]
Why Hate is the secret to most success.
We basically only avoid pain / seek pleasure but avoiding pain is MUCH stronger of a motivator. If you hate everything like your job or wife it can make you seek the things you hate less. If you hate nearly everything, you’ll instinctively gravitate to the thing you hate the least. Don’t let a positive […]
Realizing that everything you do is a mistake.
“Take my 3 day intensive boot camp to avoid the mistakes I made!” – Random Guru. Isn’t it interesting that every successful person you hear interviewed talks about all the mistakes they made? Why didn’t they just read the books to learn from other’s mistakes and not do them? Why didn’t they just take that […]
Understanding the value of advice.
If everyone would follow my advice, they’d all be rich! – Random Guru I’d talked at length with the problems with “good” advice. Another part of advice that is exceedingly important is the specificity. As advice reaches general concepts, the value approaches 0 but is applicable to the widest audience. As advice reaches high levels […]
Why achieving goals has nothing to do with motivation.
Gurus will have you believe that the reason you’re not accomplishing all your goals is that you’re not motivated enough. As you may guess, this is only half true, and mostly garbage. The reason why people don’t achieve goals is they don’t know what it takes to achieve them. – Truth Cake What this means […]
Why just pursuing your goals can be a bad approach.
People think about pursuing goals, or pursuing a mate and so on. It can also be far more effective to attract your goals. You can either figure out the right things to say when pursuing a mate, or you can work on yourself such that a mate will want to find the right things to […]
How efficiency secretly destroys growth.
“If I only had an hour to chop down a tree, I would spend the first 45 minutes sharpening my axe.” – Abraham Lincoln. This is garbage advice for most people. Also, it’s likely that Lincoln never said this nonsense either. The underlying framework here is to “make sure everything is perfect and then start,” and […]
The reality behind why gurus think people are lazy and how to solve it.
Figuring out what you’re willing to “give up” to achieve your goals can be misleading. It’s typical guru advice to think about what your goals are and then consider what you have to change or give up in order to meet those goals. This is actually close to being good advice, but needs a slight […]
The unseen downside of the best solution.
Meeting your objective sometimes doesn’t make you good. I’ve mentioned in many other articles that practice isn’t helping you get better, and how solutions that can’t be executed properly aren’t solutions. This time I’m talking about when a solution causes a new problem and seldom do people think about their perfect execution of a solution […]
Why only doing your best is terrible advice on its own.
“Do your best!” – Random guru. Good advice turns into bad advice when it’s incomplete. And this piece of advice is very incomplete. You need to do your best within a specific time frame. You’re better every new day, therefore, your best work is always tomorrow. If you wait until tomorrow, obviously, nothing ever happens […]
Quitting: The forgotten method for solving problems.
“Never ever quit!” – Random guru… I’ve discussed in the article on Shiny Object Syndrome being beneficial and knowing when to quit. However, another important point is when to ‘quit’ your environment. You can quit anything if you try hard enough. – Truth Cake Sometimes you’ll see people struggle with trying to solve their relationships […]
Practice probably isn’t making you better.
Tom Bilyeu, the co-founder of Quest Nutrition, believes with practice that you will always improve with time. You won’t. For tasks where you don’t know what you’re doing wrong, practicing will just make you consistent, not better. Tom is a fantastic guru in general and many times practice DOES make us better like Tom says, […]
Why you actually NEED shiny object syndrome in your life.
Random gurus will tell you to drop the shiny object syndrome that a lot of people have when it comes to their life direction. Thinking of something as entirely good or bad is probably an example of muddled thinking. – Truth cake. Shiny object syndrome actually helps you realize different paths to your ultimate goal […]
Why trolls help you optimize faster and better than ever.
A lot of time there’s talk about how to not let trolls upset you. Or how they’re “hurting inside” and need compassion. That sounds great, but trolls are actually useful and shouldn’t be ignored, nor psychoanalyzed. Trolls don’t need my compassion. Trolls don’t need to be ignored. Trolls are just tools. Sometimes trolls help you […]
The biggest misconception with risk.
Fortune favors the bold. Is this because of some magic quality of risk, or fortune? Probably not. Not taking risk is actually likely the highest risk behavior you can likely make. People severely underestimate the risk of NOT taking risks. – Truth Cake It’s the same old stupidity of the saying that “A funny thing […]
Optimizing decisions correctly and creating disrupting businesses.
When it comes down to analyzing something or making a decision, the reality is there has to be one thing that you’re optimizing for more than everything else. If you were buying a business, you can really only ever optimize for 3 things primarily: 1) Effort, 2) Money, and 3) Risk. If you were buying […]
The most critical decision you make.
“Don’t make decisions too hasty – major decisions should take time.” – Typical guru The reason why “big” decisions are so tough is because all the options have similar outcomes overall. It’s usually the smaller decisions that pile up that start to matter the most for people as opposed to one single decision. Tough decisions […]
The paradox of laziness and why working is actually easier.
“Passive income is what you need because it’s easy!” – Random guru. It’s probably harder to get passive income for many people than to just simply work. Finding sunken treasure may be harder than just to simply work. Getting a business to run passively while you drink margaritas is MASSIVELY more difficult than to just […]
Why working “smart” is often worthless.
“Work smart, not hard!” – Random guru. Succeeding in many things isn’t an absolute thing – it’s a relative thing. Meaning that if “success” is standing up in an auditorium for a better view, and everyone else stands up, you’re back to square one. Therefore, it’s not about working smart if everyone else is working […]
Why some excuses are valid.
“Stop with your excuses!” – Random Guru I think gurus are close to having the right idea here. Many excuses are just that – excuses. Parents that blame their kids for the parent being messy, or fat, or unmotivated, will eventually have the kid no longer in the picture but the parents behavior continues on […]
The massive difference between when losers vs winners fail.
The gurus will tell you that failure is a part of growing, and it’s actually right but that’s only half the story. Because when losers fail, they don’t think about why they failed. When winners fail, they think about what they learned to not fail in the same way again. Sometimes it takes creativity to […]
One of the most critical aspects of whom to take advice from people forget.
“Your diet is terrible and you need to follow my workout advice” – Fat Random Guru. I mention before in other articles about the tenants of advice and why advice is often so bad for many people and doesn’t work. I also mention that taking advice from people not ahead of you in terms of […]
The missing key about being specific with your goals.
“Be specific about your goals and visualize it!” – Random guru. This is another thing that’s right but it’s easy to mess up due to the guru missing a core part of this advice. A goal is easy to confuse it’s 2 parts: 1) The path, 2) The destination. A lot of people become specific […]
Why hustling and grinding is blinding you.
“The journey of a million miles begins with a single step” – Confucius (the original “Random Guru!”) Let’s do some math for fun. There’s 5,280 feet in a mile, and a step is about 2.5 feet, so 2112 steps in a mile. It takes 20 minutes to walk a mile. So, 20,000,000 minutes (333k hours) […]
The most misleading lie: “Work smart, not hard”
Gurus want you to work smarter, not harder, which is usually just a sugar coated way of saying “Don’t work so hard, take the easy path, and I have the easy path to sell you.” This is compelling for most lazy people, and does seem to have a ring of truth. Here’s the reality, the […]
Why poor people buy recipes, successful people buy time.
“Buy the new formula for getting everything you want!” – Random Guru The formulas are pretty much all available and are mostly free at this point. Getting rich is easy – save some money, put it in the stock market, and repeat for 60 years, and you’re probably rich. Getting rich isn’t the problem, the […]
Why listening to ultra wealthy people can be detrimental.
“I’m a millionaire, and you need to do the things that I do!” – Random guru. I talked before about the problem with modeling successful people and mentioned to “model the path, not the person.” Once you’ve found the path, then you can find someone else that’s on that same path but just a bit […]
Why solving problems actually keeps you stuck.
“Come to my seminar and solve all your problems!” – Typical guru. In a different post I talk about how to solve problems using the Onion Skin Problem Solving framework. One other thing to think about is that when you hear of a problem, it’s FAR more important to know what caused the problem. A […]
You’re only winning when you’re failing.
“It’s only failure unless you give up.” – Random guru. Sounds good but…give up what exactly? Russell Brunson from ClickFunnels tried selling nearly 100 different things and had a mixed bag of failures and small wins before his biggest win. What if someone told him to never give up on his potato gun product? Or […]
Failure can be disguised as success (and vice versa).
“I passed on investing in Uber.” – Gary Vee Gary loves to brag about how he “makes mistakes,” but is it really a mistake? If someone in front of him said, “I have a lotto ticket and I have a hunch it’s going to win, wanna buy it?” Would it be a mistake if he […]
Help a friend out by wishing them the worst.
“The man who chases 2 rabbits, catches neither” – Confucius I’ve quoted Confucius before when I spoke on why you need to give up on being the best. The catching 2 rabbits quote sounds like good advice, but like most things, it’s easy to let it ruin you. “The man who catches one rabbit, but […]
Why asking questions often destroys people.
“The Unexamined Life is not worth living.” – Socrates (and other random gurus). The common thought is to sit down and think about what matters to you, how to make your life better, how to progress, and all that typical stuff. But introspection is a slippery slope to hell if you’re not careful. When asking […]
Why your mind lies to you about what you REALLY want.
“Sit down and think about what you really want, write it down, and go after it!” – Typical guru. Why is it that people that achieve their goals aren’t always satisfied? Did they not really think about what they love before pursuing it? No. The reason is sitting down and thinking about the things you […]
The paradox of a bad decision being good.
It’s seldom that I think Napoleon Hill is not quite right, but he mentions failures make decisions slowly, and change the results of that decision quickly. Of course, this is a logical inaccuracy, since if you’re changing your mind quickly, that’s inherently a decision. So someone can’t logically make a decision quickly AND slowly. What […]
The 4 Tenants of Advice explain why advice doesn’t help you.
“Listen to me and take my advice.” – Random Guru. Someone that says this to a wide audience has no concepts of the main tenants of advice, which is for you to: A) Find the right person to listen to, B) Ask the right questions, C) Know yourself to know ‘where you are’ to adhere […]
Why success is all luck.
“Success isn’t luck. It’s a skill!” – Random guru. When you start something new, everything will feel like luck. Everything new and where you’re not sure if it will work or not is luck. Playing poker and winning a hand may feel like luck to a new player, but really these things are skill disguised […]
Revealed: Why you can’t achieve your top 5 goals.
“Write down 20 goals you have. Now mark your top 5. Scrap the remaining 15 goals because you’re going to just focus on the top 5!” – Random Guru If life was a genie, it’d give you 1 wish, not 3. Because people negate their first wish with their 2nd or 3rd wish. This advice […]
Checkout lines, Sierra Games, and how striving for more can bring failure.
You need to change course and direction if you’re going to hit your goals! – Random Guru While striving towards goals does involve being a bit off course a lot of the time, if you’re changing strategies too frequently to try to level up, it could actually cause failure. The guy at the grocery store […]
Gary Vee’s Premium on Irreversible Decisions
“Thinking of going to college or taking a trip around the world? College can wait. Travel the world!” – Gary Vee Gary is probably right about most things. However, there’s 2 biases that are in play with his advice. Tell me what I want to hear bias (eg Confirmation Bias): The bias to want to […]
Thinking about what spending a dollar truly does
Jeff Bezos spends money better than you or I do. When we spend money, we’re basically influencing what someone else does with their time. There are certain tasks that are better for humanity than others, one would argue having someone spend their time to build a house, or cook a meal, is more valuable than […]
Work hard, play hard, finally decoded correctly.
“Stop playing those games and get to work!” – Alex Becker. Becker will have you working non-stop, ignoring all your friends, and so on. For him, it works. But for many of us, we can find success by working hard and playing hard. People misinterpret that statement all the time. Here’s a good way for […]
Mindset is only a permission slip.
“Work on your mindset everyday!” the gurus will scream. But really, your mindset is just a permission slip that grants you the ability to move forward. Granted, the real reason why people don’t move forward more is often mindset. But you can’t preach mindset advice to prisoners of war or to people that are slaves […]
Solving problems using the Onion Skin Method.
In a different post, I mention that finding more problems is often strangely the solution. However, another way to go about that idea is to consider whether you’d like to solve a problem or eliminate a problem by making the problem irrelevant. There’s usually an easier way to handle a problem, and it’s by noticing […]
Happiness vs Success and the deception of the 10 year goal
Gurus are always trying to tout that if you’re successful, you’ll be happy. The reality is these things don’t always coexist. We’ve seen many “successful” people kill themselves either intentionally or not (ie drug overdoses). The data is in: Being successful financially doesn’t equate to happiness. Gary Vee is always talking about “don’t you want […]
Why money can distract your happiness.
“Figure out a way to make money doing what you love!” – Random guru advice. This piece of advice can be good, but it can also turn someone’s life into a nightmare of distractions. Seth Godin actually accidentally told us a very good way to approach money and passion. Seth was a passionate writer and […]
Why the decision to save lives can be a terrible decision.
“The definitions of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome!” – Bad Gurus (FYI – Einstein didn’t say this ridiculous statement, as he was false quoted as saying this.) The problem with a garbage statement like that is that it ignores 2 elements of every decision made: Probability and Certainty: If […]
Why seeing silver linings is so dangerous.
Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich, as as well as gurus from The Secret, would tell us to simply visualize and think our way to wealth. Alex Becker tells us in the 10 Pillars of Wealth book that everything is our fault – both good and bad. There’s massive pieces of truth in this but are slightly […]
The unpleasant silver linings of corona virus.
Find out what’s holding you back in life and move past it! – Typical wrong guru. What’s actually holding you back isn’t the same as what you think is holding you back – Truth Cake. A lot of people think that if they didn’t have to deal with their job, their kids, their nagging spouse, or whatever that they […]
The massive missing detail for modeling successful people.
See what successful people are doing and model them! – Random Guru This is helpful SOMETIMES. The correct thing to do is, See what successful people DID and model them! – TruthCake The problem is that if you model someone that’s already made it, certain rules may no longer apply to them because they’ve already […]
The uncomfortable secret about doing what you love.
Some gurus like Joseph Campbell will tell you to do what you love and the doors will open for you. Mark Cuban will tell you to do what you spend the most time on already and get better at that. Gary Vee will tell you to just focus on being happy. Dan Kennedy will tell […]
The Efficiency Paradox
“You need to be efficient with everything you do!” – Random guru. The reality is that if you think about things from start to finish, optimize to increase efficiency, many times you could have already completed the task by just doing it already without having to analyze the full process. Longer tasks and/or repeated tasks […]
The only thing more valuable than time, and why valuing time keeps you poor.
“Focus on the work…consider your time…don’t be afraid to grind it out…obsess about the process. Work smart, not hard.” – Random gurus. This is some of the most confusing and misleading advice gurus have spewed. The problem with any of these ideas is that they’re only roadblocks in regards to your goal. Poor people value […]
The dark side of goal setting.
“Set your goals and write them down!” – Tony Robbins and every other guru. But what if you don’t have any goals? What if you’re content as is? Even content Zen monks still set the goal of achieving Nirvana – even the monks want a little more than where they are currently. If you don’t […]
Networking and decoding the value of advice
Many people giving advice to us have not achieved the same outcome that we want. Meaning, someone’s business advice to you is likely garbage if they’ve never started a business. Beware of taking advice from anyone that isn’t where you want to be. This works in all fields – you don’t take advice from the […]
Fear is your friend and why you don’t need to push through it.
“Feel the fear and do it anyway!” – Random Guru. It’s garbage advice…but only because it’s incomplete. Fear is what keeps you from making stupid decisions. It creates loads of loser gamblers and a few winners. Self improvement coaches are seeking testimonials though, and this advice creates great testimonials since with higher risk usually comes […]
Why 80 Percent of small business fail is the stupidest statistic ever.
There’s an obsession about relentless success. But you only need to be successful for a very short period to make it big. People look at the amount of businesses that close after 1 year, 5 years, and then 10 years. Very few make it to 10 years…so that must be mean you shouldn’t do it […]
What if you have no passion?
You need to sit down and really dig and find your passion! – Random Guru There are ways to find and/or choose your passion, which I’ve discussed. But what if you have no passion? Being told you need to have a passion is what makes someone miserable. It’s like being a gay male and asked […]
Why seminar ending Q&As are screwing with your mind.
At the end of many seminars, they open it up for Q&A. Gary Vee is a big proponent of this allocating nearly half his speaking time for Q&A. There’s a few valuable lessons woven in the audience’s questions. Audience members love to give their backstory. Hopefully with you being an outside observer, and listening to […]
Passion can be replaced with discipline.
Follow your passion is common advice. Some gurus preach it, and some gurus say it’s garbage. Is someone that starts a million dollar sewage treatment plant passionate about sewage? Of course not. But most people are passionate about a very limited amount of things, and most of them don’t make any money. The reason why […]
Your dangerous subconscious quest for tragedy.
Kevin Smith recently talked in an interview with Joe Rogan that he’s “living on borrowed time.” This is because he had a heart attack and could have easily died but now is so grateful to be here for a little longer. It’s screwed up that people only feel gratitude when things are awful. The sooner […]
Strengths are sadly often a result of weakness.
“Find your weakness and work on it!” – Random Guru If people followed that bad advice, a lot of success would have never happened. I’m not saying “turn those weaknesses into strengths,” I’m pointing out that that: Persisting weakness in one area actually creates strength in another – Truth Cake Arnold Schwarzenegger has a weakness […]
What happens when you’re passionate about being lazy?
When Tony Robbin’s talking about his passion being “to serve the greater good” and other lofty ideals that make him leap out of bed in the morning, the rest of us think about being passionate about sitting around and doing nothing. Dan Kennedy once talked about how the idea of doing what you love doing […]
Forget mastery – all you need is to get lucky!
It’s been said by people like Jordan Belfort, Meet Kevin, and a slew of others that Grant Cardone just “got lucky” in real estate because basically everyone is making a killing in commercial real estate in 2019. But when the real estate market crashes, Cardone and everyone like him are going down because they’re not […]
The secret to progress: Stop finding solutions and look for more problems.
“Stay positive, and focus on solutions and not the problems!” – Random Guru. It’s garbage advice. It’s often bad advice since we’re often solving the wrong problem. Sometimes the better way to look at it is to consider why something is a problem to begin with. If your business has a turnover problem, reducing turnover […]
Why your 2 hour break is actually destroying you.
“You need to grind 80 hours a week on your business!” – Random guru Almost no one is going to be able to take this advice. Gurus want to give impossible advice, so when nothing they say works, they can blame you for not following instructions. Something as harmless as watching a movie might actually […]
Happiness it the delta between today and yesterday.
“Yesterday is behind you, just forget it and focus on the day!” – Random Guru. Where you are in regards to your goals barely matters for your happiness. And whether you want to forget yesterday, having an awful past that you’d like to forget about is the thing that’s going to get you to launch […]
The truth about having a backup plan.
“There’s no reason to have a Plan B because it distracts from Plan A.” – Will Smith Will Smith is successful, so we should listen to him, right? Not quite. What if someone had a dream that aliens told her to play the lotto. If she won the lotto, and began to claim that aliens […]
Using macro and micro goals to progress faster.
“Set and write down your your goals,” says the random guru with bad and incomplete advice. Earlier I wrote about having internal and external goals. And it’s valuable to see what type of goal you’re trying to achieve. But what’s also important is having a goal with it’s micro and macro goals that go along […]
Envy can be your best guide for goals.
“Don’t be envious.” – Random guru. I say, get green with envy! First, envy is just Admiration’s ugly sounding cousin, and we’re all fine with admiring someone. Regardless, think of whom you envy, what’s their life like? Who do they hang around? Who do you want to hang around? When you get the answers to […]
Why finding the foundations of success isn’t helpful.
“We interviewed 100 millionaires – here’s what they ALL had in common!” – Random guru. This results to this make someone believe that if they found the magic common fundamentals, they could have the secrets and be able to excel. There is no case of success where all they were in total was a conglomeration […]
Yawning – An exercise in logic
Yawning is riddled with logical things around it, such as “it’s to help you get oxygen when your brain is sleepy,” or a “herd communication to relax,” and so on. That’s why it’s contagious. But how is it contagious? Some say it’s the sound of yawning that creates the trigger of contagiousness. Some say it’s […]
How drug addicts have the root of all success.
Ross Jeffries (the wildly successful god father of dating advice) says that Tony Robbins creates people that are addicted to Tony’s work. Ross means well I’m sure, but Tony absolutely needs to create addicts for self-improvement. Tony Robbins made his customers addicted to him. Drug addiction illustrates perfectly the main concept of nearly all positive […]
You were born to lose (and the hidden curse of Mozart).
Mozart was cursed. People look for hidden talents in ourselves like we’re all a hidden Mozart with abilities to recall symphonies from memory alone and such. “If you could just find what you’re good at and born to do, everything else will fall into place!” – Random incorrect guru. Here’s what you were born to […]
How to learn twice as much from every statement.
We’re taught to listen to what someone has to say and that’s how we learn. But if you look at the meta information that’s being conveyed, that usually is helpful. Seeing “Do what I say, not what I do,” in a different light. Russ Ruffino from says they made all their money without having […]
How to know if the answer is within or if you need to go find it.
“Still the mind, the answer is within you!” – Random Guru. Often times, you don’t have the answer and you can sit in a corner for hours on end and it will never come. You’ve got to read, learn, confer, etc to find it – the answer is everywhere but within. But sometimes the answer […]
How to know who’s always right – Ed Mylett vs Gary Vee vs Grant Cardone
You need patience – Gary VeeYou need to not be patient – Ed MylettYou can’t be broke and happy – Grant CardoneYou can be broker and happy – Ed Mylett Who’s right in these battles? The answer is they’re all right. Gary Vee’s idea that you need patience is true. Many people try something, it […]
The truth doesn’t always set you free.
There are certain true beliefs that are very empowering. But sometimes the truth is actually very disempowering. “It all works out in the end.” – A great belief, but it’s totally false. It doesn’t always work out, but it’s a good way to think of things that keeps you moving forward. “There’s always a silver lining.” – Many times […]
Why the future best economy is a dying one.
Right now there’s a drive for: business leaders to create jobs,employees to continue to remain employed,entrepreneurs to make money,and governments want to increase GDP. Entrepreneurs have goals like creating wealth for others (via jobs) or creating wealth for themselves. These are noble goals, but I’d like to see a future where the goals are different. What […]
The 2 mind blowing things revealed about all great interviews.
Sometimes judging yourself as if you were someone else helps see things more clearly. Go to school, study hard, blah blah, now you’re a doctor. But the path for being successful isn’t quite so ‘guaranteed’ for people. Aspiring entrepreneurs look for “Top 3 tips for starting a business,” and stuff like that. But would you […]
The one key to overcome everything.
Abraham Lincoln is quoted as having said, “If I had five minutes to chop down a tree, I’d spend the first three sharpening my axe.” I was going to say that Lincoln was totally wrong (no one is right all of the time), then I discovered Abe Lincoln aptly never said this quote to begin with! […]
Motivation Paradox: How feeling demotivated makes you get stuff done
Typical guru: You could just get everything done if you were a little more motivated! TruthCake: Wrong. It’s a massive paradox of motivation. When you get motivated to get a lot of stuff done, it’s the same feeling of being in a book store and feeling excited to read everything in there and really get to […]
8 massive benefits for businesses that have haters and critics.
This is the ultimate guide to dealing with haters – all in under 1400 words. Notice that many successful people have haters? Maybe haters caused the success as opposed to were an effect or result of that success? You need to reframe your mind to crave the haters as opposed to coming up with things to […]
You don’t want to hear this – How laziness is bending your reality.
People think laziness is just when you don’t want to do something, and you need to overcome it with hard work. The reality is that laziness is bending your whole perspective on the world. Be cautious of the people you follow and consider if what they’re saying sounds like something you want to hear or […]
Why lack of motivation ISN’T your problem when getting started.
The hardest part is getting started sounds like a motivation problem, but it’s actually the hardest part – period. Figuring out the technical details to setting up a website, running your first ad campaign, and so on IS the hardest part. If you can just focus on the getting started part of things, that is […]
The #1 reason why idiots have a massive advantage in starting a business.
Ever gone into a business and think to yourself that you could do it better? Amazed things are going so well in a business despite heaps of steaming ineptitude at every turn? It’s because idiots have 1 major advantage – contingencies (and their complete disregard for them) The infinite what-if scenarios intelligent people can dream […]