Quitting: The forgotten method for solving problems.
“Never ever quit!” – Random guru…
I’ve discussed in the article on Shiny Object Syndrome being beneficial and knowing when to quit. However, another important point is when to ‘quit’ your environment.
You can quit anything if you try hard enough. – Truth Cake
Sometimes you’ll see people struggle with trying to solve their relationships with toxic people, or dealing with terrible coworkers, or whatever.
It’s probably an easier AND faster AND more effective strategy to change your environment.
Want to know how I handle talking to toxic people? I don’t talk to them.
How about how to handle a terrible boss? I quit.
Dealing with getting a partner to stop being so terrible? I break up.
Sometimes, moving on is the answer. A lot of people think they’re ‘stuck’ in a situation – they HAVE to deal with their boss, they HAVE to handle their ex, they HAVE to deal with their toxic relatives.
No you don’t. Look at that – just saved you a weekend guru retreat for you to understand. It’s worth saying again,
You can quit anything if you try hard enough.
Obviously, sometimes fixing the problem is better than abandoning the problem, and it’s been said that you can’t escape problems no matter what, but you CAN chose what types of problems you want to solve. There’s an art to know when to change your environment vs fixing the environment that will be addressed in another post, but in the mean time you should consider this question:
What problem are you trying to solve that would just make more sense for you to get out of that scenario / environment, rather than trying to ‘fix’ the problem you’re encountering within that environment?