Why your 2 hour break is actually destroying you.
“You need to grind 80 hours a week on your business!” – Random guru
Almost no one is going to be able to take this advice. Gurus want to give impossible advice, so when nothing they say works, they can blame you for not following instructions.
Something as harmless as watching a movie might actually be having monumental effects in your life.
If you have infinite amounts of time, you can do just about anything. Become a virtuoso, bodybuilder, millionaire, etc. The question is never about how to do something, it’s actually about how to do something fast.
Imagine if building a business to launch initially takes 1000 hours total, and pretend you need to learn sales, marketing, web design, video marketing, etc and to get to the point that you’re making enough money to quit your job requires 1000 hours.
“Take a break! It’s just an hour or two, let’s go have some fun,” says the fun loving friend.
The way people look at it is to think there’s 168 hours in the week, if they spend 14 hours (only 8%!) of the total week on taking a break, it’s not that bad.
Spending only 8% of work week wasting time is devastating.
After you deal with your job and life maintenance, most people only have 0-2 hours of free time a day. If you take an hour and 45 minutes as a “much needed” break, you’re left with 15 minutes to devote to your business. Meaning it will take 4000 days to achieve anything meaningful in that business. However, if you spend those 2 hours on the business, you’re there in less than 2 years (500 days * 2 hours = 1000 hours) instead of over a decade.
While that break only was 8% of your week, we don’t have 24 hours in a day to do what we want, it’s more like 2. Therefore, 75% of your free time (90 minutes out of a total 2 hours of free time) is gone, not 8%.
What little “harmless” things are you doing that are actually having massive repercussions for your results?