Why the future best economy is a dying one.
Right now there’s a drive for:
business leaders to create jobs,
employees to continue to remain employed,
entrepreneurs to make money,
and governments want to increase GDP.
Entrepreneurs have goals like creating wealth for others (via jobs) or creating wealth for themselves. These are noble goals, but I’d like to see a future where the goals are different. What if we had goals like:
Reduce profits, create massive layoffs, and lower the GDP.
People fear AI and robots taking their jobs. But why do we need any jobs if the robots do everything for us? We can all live like kings if everyone has 10 robots working for them.
I don’t need to work late at the office anymore to afford the premium cable channel TV line up of HBO / Cinemax. Netflix / internet has 100,000x more entertainment than the old $200 a month cable TV used to cost.
We don’t need:
- $1500 for a hip new computer, they’re dirt cheap now.
- $300 for long distance bill, because Cricket is $35
- $200 for gas, b/c you have a Tesla.
- $200 for the electric bill, b/c you have solar panels.
- $50 for organic veggies, b/c you’ve got a backyard urban farm.
We’re already headed towards the end of work.
People will create their own shows, and invent things without profit motives in mind. Instead they’ll share inventions for others to build upon it. Inventors wouldn’t care about selling anything, because they can basically have almost everything as is. When we can finally invent for the betterment of mankind without having profit motives, there will be a true paradigm shift.
If the cure to cancer was mixing salt and vinegar in a magic ratio, there’s almost no way to profit from that discovery. But what if you were motivated to just be better without profit motives, imagine what things may be discovered.
We’re already getting closer to this point as is, as charities are growing.
Stop fearing losing your job to AI and be happy that your job is no longer needed. The trend is that to achieve the same thing, less people are needed (eg. take a look at how many farmers it took to create 1000 lbs of corn in 1950 vs now).
I’d like to create a business that makes people not have to work but instead just do whatever valuable thing they’d like to do and contribute to the planet.
A business like this would cause the GDP to drop because my customers will have what they need so much that they don’t find themselves needing to spend nearly as much money.
When all the jobs of drudgery are gone, and living great becomes “free,” people will have the time to do things that matter, and build better, bigger, cooler things. And then we will see the ultimate exponential rise in achievement.
Imagine on a small level, that you put a bunch of highly motivated, healthy, intelligent, successful people in one place like Puerto Rico. If you came and looked in a year, they will have fixed it up significantly. The barter system would start to rise up a bit, where the strong guy cleans up the fallen trees, the smart guy gets the power back, and so on. They’d make their lives better by not littering – not because of some government clean up plan to create jobs, but just because no litter simply makes their life better.
This isn’t communism which needs everyone to create value. This is about not needing to create additional value at all. Want to sit on your ass all day and no nothing? That’s super cheap, and now you can.
Seem impossible? VR is the thing that pushes us in this direction more than anything else. You don’t need a high rise condo if you feel like you’re in one by using your VR headset. You don’t need to travel across the world if you feel like you’re instantly there with VR. You don’t need plastic surgery if everyone sees you as your avatar. You don’t need a job anymore, because you don’t need to spend money on anything besides the basics to live.
Maybe the richest person in the world in 100 years has no money, and that’s a good thing.