Why lack of motivation ISN’T your problem when getting started.
The hardest part is getting started sounds like a motivation problem, but it’s actually the hardest part – period.
Figuring out the technical details to setting up a website, running your first ad campaign, and so on IS the hardest part. If you can just focus on the getting started part of things, that is an achievement all on its own even with a garbage product at the end of the tunnel. For example, learning how to write a novel, getting published, and understanding how book tours work, is likely going to be harder than actually having the story of Harry Potter fill the pages.
Focusing on creation with blatant disregard for the quality isn’t some “don’t be a perfectionist” trick. It literally allows you to focus on the fact that getting started IS the hardest part for many people, regardless of your motivation levels.
We know that making the bad product is the best way to start to create something good, as it’s easier to be critical and improve something than to create something to begin with. This was discussed when I said that working hard is the worst thing for getting started since you’d think the pot of gold is behind the rainbow of hard work.
In reality, if you look for the easier path of just creating anything at all and not worrying about the initial quality, that will seem easier to accomplish, and allow you to make incremental improvements which will lead to an amazing product faster than just creating something perfect all at once.
You can’t solve your “Why can’t I get started?” problem when you’re incorrectly blaming it on motivation instead of blaming on your desire to create something while you also possess no technical skillset to even create junk. Again, motivation isn’t the problem when you fail to get that new website business launched. The problem is you don’t know how to code AND you want it to be a good website when you launch it. Just give up now, because motivation can’t get you through that swamp by itself.
You want to focus your motivation on, “Learning to program.” and “Creating anything, regardless of quality.” and NOT “Create the best travel website known to man!”
When you fail to solve a problem begin to consider if you’re blaming that failure to solve the problem on the wrong thing.