Tony Robbins’ untold secret on why wild goals are easier to achieve than realistic ones
Tony Robbins talks about setting wild goals and being specific.
He secretly doesn’t care if they’re truly wild goals, but he does care if they’re specific. You won’t get far fast without clarity, however, he wants wild goals because people lie to themselves about what’s possible, or what they really want, or that it has to be “realistic.”
The problem is many people’s unrealistic goals are actually quite realistic, but their internal world is so jacked up they can’t believe it. Remember their “realistic” goals are still likely bullshit like when a guy says he wants $10 million. That’s a wild goal! A wildly unclear goal. Why does he want $10 million? So he can afford a huge house. Why? To impress his father. Why? Because he craves his father’s pride.
Once you see the real goal, “to gain my father’s pride”, you can deal with:
a) if you really need/want that or
b) methods to get it, or feel ok without getting it (Maybe stop living in the basement and just get a job? Have a discussion to see if he finds you a disgrace to begin with? Realize you can’t change other people and accept yourself as is).
That’s a clear goal that is a true goal, that is also potentially achievable. Instead of spending 20 years to make $10M, you simply get a job, chat with your father, read book on self-acceptance, and now you’ve achieved the same (or likely better) feeling of making $10M and you did it in a few days as opposed to decades.
Tony Robbins doesn’t want a wild goal, he wants your REAL goal, which you just think is wild.
The problem is then when people give their “crazy” goals, they’re not what they truly want (eg. $10M vs respect).
The “realistic” goal (eg. Make $50k a year at their job) isn’t what they want either. So the result is they’re not real clear on why they want them (b/c they don’t), and without clarity they flounder quickly. It’s simply easier to uncover your TRUE realistic goal if you start by having a wild goal.
Getting what you want is easy, confessing to yourself what you truly want is the hard part.