The paradox of laziness and why working is actually easier.
“Passive income is what you need because it’s easy!” – Random guru.
It’s probably harder to get passive income for many people than to just simply work.
Finding sunken treasure may be harder than just to simply work.
Getting a business to run passively while you drink margaritas is MASSIVELY more difficult than to just work in the business.
Trying to find the workout that produces results in only 1 hour a week is going to take more time and research than just going to the gym for 5 hours a week.
Stop trying to ‘hack’ things to “make it easier” when in reality, it’s HARDER to half-ass things. – Truth Cake
It’s the old programmer joke where they spend 20 hours coding something that automates a task but the result of that automation only saves 5 hours.
What thing have you tried to save time or effort on and you spent more effort or time in the attempt to do so?