The Paradox of Content
Google, data filtration, paradoxical advice, and the next billion dollar app.
Seth Godin, Gary Vee, and many others are talking about how you need to be producing more content and we need more producers and not consumers.
The problem is, most people probably shouldn’t be producing content. And really we have too much content as is. When people that didn’t even feel like they had something decent to contribute with start an avalanche of crap onto the net, it’s going to make things worse.
But the overall level of quality will rise, because from that garbage in the quantity will start to emerge quality. But hopefully there’s some better ways of separating out the junk from the quality. Right now, Google is the thing that does that. But I think there will be some other business / engine that helps us find content that we want personally. Micro search engines (eg. Yelp, Trip Advisor) currently only help us find things better in certain niches, but aren’t really customized to us at all.
If the avalanche of content (garbage?) starts to take hold, I think we’ll see some massive opportunity in the ‘data filtration industry’ (making up that term).