The massive difference between when losers vs winners fail.
The gurus will tell you that failure is a part of growing, and it’s actually right but that’s only half the story. Because when losers fail, they don’t think about why they failed. When winners fail, they think about what they learned to not fail in the same way again.
Sometimes it takes creativity to realize what you could have done better after you mess up. When you do it again, perhaps you can be: faster, make it take less effort, make it less irritating / painful to do, make it less expensive of a failure, use a different technique or strategy? Even though finding the path to winning might not be evident, if you’re improving, you’re on the path to winning. If you fail and don’t realize what you could have done to make things better if you try again, then you either need to:
1) Abandon the objective (ie. playing the lotto is probably not a good thing since you’re not learning anything when you lose),
2) Consider if you’re already doing things perfectly and you’re just playing the odds (ie. playing the lotto, losing, not learning, but know that if you buy 250 million tickets when the jackpot is 5 billion is a still a good idea),
3) Realize you actually DID learn something, but you need to be more creative in identifying how to be better. Most of the time, this is the right answer.
What’s something you did that felt like a failure, but when you really sit and think about it, you actually learned how to be better in some way for it?