Find your passion in 2 easy steps
“Think about what you’re passionate about and do that!” – Bad guru.
“You need to soul search to find your passion!” – Even worse guru.
Bad gurus don’t understand that normal people aren’t passionate about anything, so they don’t know what to pursue, and then it makes them feel like they just need to soul search and meditate to find it. But they still end up never finding it.
“Passion is systematically created, either by accident OR intentionally.” – Truth cake
Passion is created via 2 things.
One is progress. Passion comes from progress. But progress doesn’t create passion. Meaning that you must be getting better in some way with an activity to be passionate about it. However, you could improve at ditch digging and you may not become passionate about it. But whatever the task is that someone is passionate about, they’re always progressing in some way.
The second thing is a fulfilled need. That progress you have with your passion has a result that meets human beings basic needs, which is that it’s something that:
Makes you money, allows you to grow, feel excited, feel certain / safe, feel significant / unique, feel love, or contribute to a cause / group.
Most people never feel any passion because they never stick with something long enough to get good at it to start getting a need met (like money, or contribution). Secondly, when you don’t stick with something you don’t feel any progress. And you need both things, you need to progress, and you need that need to be met.
You will become passionate about bookkeeping if it means you start getting rich with it, cool people think you’re the best at it and really appreciate it, and you get better and better at finding ways to cut people’s taxes that no one else knows about. You will be passionate about building houses if you’re always learning ways to be faster and better, you’re making a ton of cash, and people love you for getting their dream home built under your watch.
PASSION IS A CHOICE. But now you know the 2 things to you need to make that choice.
How much time have you wasted thinking you just needed to be more in tune to know what your passion is, meanwhile, you needed to just make a choice on what to be passionate about?